Issue tracking systems – part 2

A while back I blogged about setting up an issue tracking system for Knights. There were two systems I seriously considered: JIRA and Trac. I found that my server didn’t have enough RAM to run JIRA so I was going to use Trac instead.

Since then there has been a slight change of plan. The folks at Atlassian (the makers of JIRA) have informed me that they offer free JIRA hosting for open source projects. This is very cool as it solves my hosting issues and also is much easier to set up than Trac (as they basically set it up for you!). Also I am more familiar with JIRA than Trac (as I use JIRA at work). For these reasons I have decided to give JIRA a try.

So there is currently a Knights JIRA installation running at This is open to the public so feel free to have a play with it and let me know what you think. So far I have added one or two issues but otherwise haven’t really used it yet — I’m relying on you guys to fill it up with the things you want done in future releases 🙂

JIRA is quite easy to use, but here are some quick instructions in case you need them:

  • To view issues, click on Browse Projects and then click Knights. You will be presented with lists of components and versions. Since I haven’t set up any components or versions yet, just click on No Component and you will be taken to a list of all open issues. You can then click any issue to get details of it.
  • To search you can either type something into the Quick Search box (top right) or you can do a more detailed search by clicking on Find Issues. In the latter case you will have a panel on the left of your screen which allows you to filter issues by type, priority, text search etc, or any combination of these.
  • To comment on an issue, first browse or search for the issue you want (see above) and then click the Comment link on the left hand side. You need to create an account before you can post comments (see below).
  • To report a bug or request a new feature, click on Create New Issue and follow the instructions. You need to create an account to do this (see below).

Note that currently I am running an evaluation copy of JIRA which is limited to five user accounts (one of them being me). These will be available on a first come first served basis. In the meantime I will have to submit an application to Atlassian to be given full access for my open source project. Once this is done (and assuming they accept the application) we will get full access and the limit on the number of users will be removed. This process apparently takes about 2 weeks. (If they don’t accept the application, then plan B is to switch to Trac. Should this happen I will copy all issues from JIRA into Trac so don’t worry about losing any data.)

Anyway, please try it out and let me know what you think.

Knights 012 released

A new version of Knights has been released. Get it from the download page.

This is the first stable release to include multiplayer support. The main purpose of the release is to fix (most of) the bugs that were found during the beta test and also to add one or two new things (for example the in-game player list).

The online server has been upgraded and the beta server has now been taken offline.

If you downloaded the multiplayer beta, please don’t use it any more as it will not work properly with the new server. Instead download the latest version.

Many thanks to everyone who helped out with the multiplayer testing.


This week’s progress

Just a quick update. Work on the next version of Knights has been going well. Today I finished off the in-game player list and tidied up a few other things. I also made some changes to the in-game screen layout recently; you can see a screenshot in this forum post.

There is only one more thing left to do before the next release and that’s to fix the LAN game mode so that it works with multiplayer (currently it’s still limited to two players). I’ll try and get that done next weekend, and then we’ll have a release!

After that I’ll see about getting the Trac set up. (I haven’t forgotten the Trac, I just wanted to get the work for the next release done first.) In the meantime, if you want to submit bug reports etc. then the forum is always available, or just leave a comment here.

Issue tracking systems

I think it would be good if Knights had a public issue tracking system, this would be useful for keeping track of bug reports (of which there have been a few following the recent multiplayer beta) as well as feature requests.

I’ve spent a bit of time looking at the different bug tracking systems out there (and there are a lot of them), but eventually I think I’ve decided on using Trac. This is an open source system that seems quite popular and has most (if not all) features that would be needed for a project like Knights.

Of the alternatives, I liked Flyspray and Redmine, which are both very simple and easy to use, but they seem a bit limited in terms of features (imho) compared to Trac. I also considered JIRA which is what I use at work (and it’s free for open source projects to use); JIRA is a very nice system, but unfortunately it’s an enormous Java application which my server doesn’t really have enough RAM to be able to run properly, and anyway it is probably overkill for a small project like Knights.

In other news, I have now got most of the bugs from the multiplayer test fixed, and have been working on getting observer mode working in multiplayer games as well (so you can change who you are observing by using left/right arrow keys). I also want to get a player list and end of game statistics set up before releasing a “stable” multiplayer version.

After that I think the next priority would be making the game simpler for newbies. I think there are a lot of people who try the game out once or twice, can’t work out how to play, and then never come back (I sometimes see people like this on the server). Sadly people do not read manuals these days. Some sort of tutorial mode is probably the answer here.

Knights multiplayer test a success

Well we had our Knights multiplayer testing session and it was very successful and great fun! We had 7 players at the same time at one point. Thanks to everyone who joined in.

I think we established that Knights works very well in multiplayer, in fact I think it was even more fun than the two player game. We had a few disconnections / error messages but those should be solvable I think.

One issue was that certain quests do not work very well in multiplayer. For instance the destroy book with wand quest seemed to go on forever. One suggestion was that we should show items on the map after a certain time, e.g. show the wand after X minutes and show the book after Y minutes. Perhaps we should try that sometime.

The “gnome book” quest also did not work too well: with five or six knights flipping the switches all the time it was very difficult to actually get access to the book! Maybe it would have worked better with a different book — with some of the gnome books you only press the switch once and then the door stays open (it doesn’t close again when the switch is pressed again) so we wouldn’t have had the same problem.

The quests that worked best seemed to be the “escape from dungeon” type quests, especially with a few gems or a guarded exit point thrown in.

Another problem was that some players were at a big disadvantage due to having a bad starting position. Perhaps players should be able to change their starting point during the game (as rpr suggested). Or maybe players could just respawn into a random start point each time, instead of having the same one every time?

Another excellent suggestion was that potions/scrolls should respawn. (They get used up very quickly if there are a lot of knights about.)

Anyway… I will try and get a Knights forum set up soon. There is also now a #knights IRC channel on (courtesy of Dukey).

Thanks again everyone and I hope we can do this again sometime!

Knights Multiplayer – beta testers wanted!

I have been working on a version of Knights that allows more than two players in the dungeon at the same time. This has been requested by a quite a few people now. The new version is going quite well, it just needs a bit more testing/debugging, and will probably be ready in 1 – 2 weeks.

Before doing an “official” release of this, I’d like to do a beta test, both to iron out any bugs, and also to find out how well the game actually plays with many knights involved. My brother has agreed to join the testing but obviously we are going to need to recruit a few more players…

So… if you’d like to join in the first ever online multiplayer game of Knights, then please sign up below. We also need to organize a time so if you have preferred dates or times then please indicate this in your comment.

By the way – currently I am just using the normal quests from the standard two player game. So, for example, in a gnome book quest, there will be one gnome book, but a large number of knights all trying to take it back to their home 🙂 However, I imagine a lot of new quests will become possible in a multi player setting. If anyone has ideas for good multi-player quests then please feel free to post them below…

Knights 011 Released

A new version of Knights has been released. Visit the download page to get it.

The main new features are that the lobby window now pops to the front when somebody connects to the server, and that “observer” support for internet games is fully working. There are also a host of minor fixes and changes which are mentioned on the download page.

Also Kalle Marjola recently contacted me to say that he has changed the licence of the original game to the GNU GPL. I have decided to follow suit and release my version under the GPL as well. This should clarify the licensing situation and also allow Knights to be included in Linux distributions and similar things.

New Potion/Scroll Ideas

A while back David asked me to open a post on new potion/scroll ideas. Well, here it is 🙂

To start things off, here are a couple of potion ideas I came up with. (To clarify — these are not planned features at the moment, they are just ideas. Any feedback welcome.)

  • Levitation. Your knight rises from the ground and becomes temporarily able to walk over pits.
  • Extra Health. You (temporarily) get twice as many hitpoints as normal.
  • Confusion. Your knight becomes confused. Whenever you try to move, the knight moves in a random direction instead of the one you selected.
  • Blindness. Your knight is blinded — the main dungeon view goes black. You can still move around and your location will still be shown on the map (representing your knight feeling his way around the dungeon).

Now your turn. What new magic effects would you like to see in the game?

Knights now available for Maemo

Wilson Tang has created a port of Knights for Maemo, a mostly opensource mobile platform for tablets (wifi touchscreen devices without phone capability).

The packages are available here:

Source code:

And the creator’s site, with screen shots:

The screen layouts have been changed a little bit to fit the Maemo platform, but otherwise it is basically the same as my version.

Thanks Wilson!