Knights Downloads

Knights: Version 26 (14-May-2024)

Download Windows installer (3.8 M)
Download source code for Linux and Windows (1.3 M)
Download the server for Windows (1.3 M; only needed if you want to run your own server)

Note: If you use Linux, there might be a Knights package already available for your distribution (look for "knightsgame" or "knights"). If not, you could try running the Windows version via WINE (I'm told this works well), or just build the game from source.

Release notes

First new release for nearly 10 years! :)

This is basically just a "maintenance" release, tidying up some things, upgrading to newer library versions, and so on.


There is a GitHub repository for the game.

Older Releases

Older releases can be found on the archives page.

Amiga Knights

If you are looking for the original Amiga Knights, it is still available from Aminet. Alternatively, you can download this ADF file (880 K) which boots directly into the game.