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Knights Discussion / Re: Linux issues
Last post by d.healey - August 09, 2017, 01:22:02 PM
I found two methods to resolve the font issue. Method A is to install the ms core fonts  - I had already done this but there is a known bug with the usual installation method. What you need to do is first of all uninstall them (if you've already installed them) and then install them via winetricks - Google for more info. Method B is to add Tahoma to the fonts.txt, apparently this font is included with Wine - so perhaps this should be added to the fonts.txt by default in a future update. So after solving this issue the game window will at least open but it just hangs on a blank screen so I still can't run it via Wine :(

I haven't found a solution for the segmentation fault yet either but I think this is something that will require some code debugging which is not my area.
Knights Discussion / Re: mod list
Last post by d.healey - August 03, 2017, 11:21:43 PM
Many thanks!
Knights Discussion / Re: mod list
Last post by ImpassIve - August 03, 2017, 07:06:42 PM
Quote from: d.healey on August 03, 2017, 05:16:37 PM
Where can I download the multiwand mod?

I believe this is the file you are looking for.
Knights Discussion / Re: mod list
Last post by d.healey - August 03, 2017, 05:16:37 PM
Where can I download the multiwand mod?
Knights Discussion / Linux issues
Last post by d.healey - August 02, 2017, 12:37:45 AM

I've just recently started playing this game on Windows and I'm really enjoying it. I would like to play it on GNU/Linux, I'm running LinuxMint, unfortunately when I try running it in Wine I get an error message about it being unable to find fonts - I've checked that the correct fonts listed in the text file are installed on my system - I've also tried building and installing from the makefile but I get a segmentation error which as I understand is a memory access error somewhere in the code. Any tips?
Knights Discussion / Re: Knights with Steam Control...
Last post by K9 - January 22, 2017, 03:26:40 AM
Thank you for sharing this information about playing Knights on TV with Steam link, very fascinating.

I'm researching that system and controllers you mentioned, looking forward to more of your settings details if you figure out more, and I wonder if there's anything Stephen could do to make a version of Knights that resolves any of the menu issues you mentioned when playing specifically through a steam link.
Knights Discussion / Knights with Steam Controllers
Last post by Julian - January 15, 2017, 01:27:44 AM
My brother and I have been playing Knights on our TV (through Steam Link) with Steam Controllers. It's fun to play with controllers instead of the keyboard. The only glitches seem to be navigating the menus with the controller is clunky, and Knights stops working if you bring up the Steam Big Picture overlay while Knights is in the menu screens.

You have to select "Add a Non-Steam Game to my Library" to launch it for Steam Link, and you have to deselect "Allow Desktop Configuration in Launcher" to have the controller bindings work. I'll post my Steam Controller bindings file here once I get it perfected.
Knights Discussion / Re: LUA-question
Last post by Stephen - November 08, 2016, 06:22:01 PM
Nice, I like it ;)
Knights Discussion / Re: LUA-question
Last post by ImpassIve - November 07, 2016, 07:55:09 PM
An offtop note:
hey, looks like I've got a personal remote-controlled monster!
Knights Discussion / Re: LUA-question
Last post by Stephen - November 07, 2016, 07:30:48 PM
OK, that mod does sound interesting.

I did once have an idea to make AI controllable from Lua, so that you could write little Lua scripts to control what a monster does. That would be quite a lot of work though.

There's no good reason why ai_fear should be walking monsters only... it just needs to be implemented in the FlyingMonsterAI as well. (The only reason it wasn't implemented, is because it was only needed for zombies at the time.) I guess I could do that sometime.

If I ever make another indie game, I will put the scripting in from the beginning, instead of tacking it on at the end like I did with Knights... that is the cause of most of these problems I think :)